Window Painting at BloomingGayle's Flowers and Gifts

Window Painting at BloomingGayle's Flowers and Gifts

BloomingGayle's Flowers and Gifts is a cute Flower shop in an old historic building located in Farmington, AR. I am honored to get to paint their windows with the changing seasons! The owner, Lindsey creates the most beautiful arrangements and also offers unique gifts and treasures in her shop.

The shop opened in 2023 and I was so excited to paint their grand opening Vintage-inspired Christmas windows. 

After Christmas, I helped the shop get ready for possibly the busiest time of the year- Valentine's Day! I love how these painted windows turned out!

Next, we created this spring painting to usher in the warmer weather and the best part- spring flowers!!


I have LOVED getting to paint this cute flower and gift shop's windows with the changing seasons and I hope to return and add to our collection! Which window was your favorite?

If you are in the Farmington area, be sure to stop by and check out BloomingGayle's Flowers and Gifts!


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